Led By Two Veteran Engineering Professionals.
Stephen Stone
Since 1980, Steve Stone has been heavily involved in energy projects ranging from residential buildings to ice skating rinks. Mr. Stone contributed to some of the first microturbine cogeneration systems in New York City, and has implemented over 10,000 kW of cogen capacity. He had been awarded Cogeneration Professional of the Year, both regionally and internationally, for his contributions to cogeneration.
Jim Amstrong
Jim Armstrong joined DSM in 2005, after 15 years at ConEdision. His time at ConEd gave him a unique insight into electric markets and operations, which he used to develop his Tru-Use load profiling sytem. Jim has led over 20 cogeneration projects, including the Intrepid museum, and was awarded Energy Engineer of the Year in 2015 for his pioneering technologies and innovative designs.
Joined by a team of dedicated individuals.
Cullen Armstrong
Cullen joined DSM as a part-time employee at the beginning of 2022 while completing his master’s degree at SUNY Stony brook, with a focus in Energy Technology. Upon completion of his master’s, he now works as a full-time employee, working on a diverse range of projects.
Initially Cullen was primarily focused on becoming acquainted with the CHP systems as well learning how to monitor these systems and alerting both the client and contractor when abnormalities arose. Since then, he has worked on numerous projects including fuel cell designs, LL97 analysis, LL84 benchmarking, LL87 energy auditing and retro-commissioning, NYSERDA LCCP studies, maintenance projects for client buildings, NYSERDA Flextech studies, electrification analysis and post-inspections of National Grid energy projects. He also is developing a stronger technological background, assisting in developing DSMs own monitoring platform.
Susan Armstrong
Susan joined DSM Engineering Associates in March of 2018 as a CHP/Energy Systems Performance Analyst, a key role to the DSM CHP Guardian service. She is involved in many tasks focusing on CHP system economical and operational performance. She has also been involved in Local Law 87 Energy Efficiency Reporting and the accompanying field audits needed.