Why do buildings invest in Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems?
Some of the main reasons why buildings invest in CHP, or commonly referred to as cogeneration systems, include:
- Cost Optimization: CHP systems provide savings via reduced utility energy expenses, be it through heating offset, reduced electrical demand, or both.
- Carbon Optimization: CHP systems use the same fuel to meet electrical and thermal loads. This results in a smaller carbon footprint than typical separate electrical and thermal sources (Grid and Boilers).
- Resilience: As weather storms become more powerful, the ability for a facility to generate its own power becomes increasingly important.
To provide sustained return on investment from a CHP system, the system must have achieve consistent performance. By applying CHP expertise with available performance oversight capabilities Guardian provides a key piece in the ROI puzzle for CHP owners.
Sustained Performance=Sustained ROI.
CHP systems must achieve consistent performance to realize expected ROI. Even a short loss of performance can derail projected ROI. CHP Guardian connects performance and ROI with purpose-built monitoring and analytical methods. Guardian combines these tools with our expertise in CHP design and operation to ensure the system is performing as expected.
CHP system performance is just the beginning. Performance and ROI are the bare necessities a system must achieve to be considered successful. Once these are established, more opportunities to enhance CHP economic performance may emerge.